Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Aiden is Five Months

Yup...five months.  As in 0-5.  Aiden is getting to be so full of personality.  He laughs easily and processes everything deliberately and thoroughly, much like his biggest sister.  His fingers or mine or a toy are often in his mouth, though the doctor did not see any teeth near the surface a couple weeks ago.

He sleeps well, though is still getting up once in the 2-3 AM range.  I don't mind that time with him at all, its just the getting out of bed in the cold part.  After he's done nursing, I put him on my shoulder in a futile attempt to get him to burp.  Futile because he's already fast asleep, so instead I just pause and listen to him breathe for a few minutes, laying against me.  Precious moments.  God had such a beautiful design when he created babies.  I have to have my sleep interrupted to feed him each night, but the trade-off is a few quiet snuggle moments when the rest of the world is sleeping, just the two of us.  Pretty good deal, if you ask me.

He moves around in his walker, though he doesn't know it yet.  He plays with toys, still in the fumbling, awkward-with-his-hands kind of way.  And they quickly fall to the floor, though he doesn't know about that game yet either.  He is happy for longer periods of time playing on his belly and can roll and skoot around.  Maybe his favorite position is to be held so that he can be standing...he's always been very strong like that.

The girls enjoy going to his crib in the morning after he's awake.  They are a little overwhelming to him, but he takes it all in and I imagine him wondering to himself how he could get to do the things they do...climb in and out of the crib, jump on the mattress, talk and laugh...soon enough!

He's all about blowing bubbles, as seen here.  Fake coughing is a favorite also.  I wasn't able to get too many pictures before Aiden and the bear got into a wrestling match so I switched to the super cute Baby's 1st Christmas his grandma got for him.

The day before his birthday, we tried him with a little cereal and fruit.  I let the girls feed him, partly because they were excited about it and partly so I could be holding the camera.  The first thing he did was grab both the bowl and the spoon, making a fairly big mess.  Not a funny face was made.  He ate it like, yeah, I eat this stuff all the time.  His tongue still needs to learn how to cooperate, but he's good with the taste and texture.  What baby doesn't make a funny face the first time they try food??

Here he was frustrated because he dropped the spoon.

Well, we didn't have the funny face, but we did have the mess!


  1. It does seem like you have found the 'Skylar' of your bunch, dark hair and eyes that are different from your other two. I like the last picture.

  2. oh these are adorable!!! when you talked about the funny face, a picture of my daughter popped into my head of her first taste of cereal....she gagged!!! :)

    and I'm with you...those snuggle moments are so worth the interruption in sleep!

  3. Happy 5 months to your adorable little cereal eater!

  4. Loved your description of the middle of the night feedings! So true and such a wonderful stage!

  5. Wow, 5 months!!! He is so cute! Love the eating pictures!

  6. Gazillion of new things ahead. Good thing he's got two wonderful sisters to teach him all the new adventures ahead. He's a sweetie.

  7. enjoying your precious little boy while the world is sleeping....aww, i miss those times.

  8. How is it possible he's eating from a spoon already? Wasn't he just born? What a doll baby.


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