Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving ~ Part II

Thanksgiving Day started with our annual Road Race.  It is 4.78 miles and this year there were about 13,000 entrants.  Its a very festive atmosphere with live bands, costumes and seas of people.  I didn't break any of my records, but I finished, without any knee problems.  I had two BIL's, two SIL's, two sisters and several friends join!

When I got home, Shaun had the kids under control and the turkey cooked.  The girls dressed themselves in their Thanksgiving finery.

The kids table (minus the 2 and 4-month olds)

And 15 adults.  Grandpa John is a blueberry pie he is taking the first bit while we all hold our breath for the reaction (he,he)...he likes it!

Everyone then slowly made their way upstairs to watch football/take a nap

There was plenty of baby holding going on, too.  Shaun's grandmother, up from Florida and his mom (she must have been cheering for Denver when I snapped the pic).

No nap and a busy day finally got to Amanda, but after a quick snooze, she was ready to take on her daddy for a rousing game of foosball.

We were happy to have Shaun's dad and his wife visiting from Chicago.  He got to meet two new grandkids for the first time....I think he approves.

Shaun and I both love to have our house full of people, particularly on such a special day. 

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Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world.