Tuesday, September 25, 2012

His Strength

Sometimes I catch myself thinking...Uh-oh...its finally here...the time I finally cave in under the pressure on me.  The time when my inadequacies have caught up with me for good.  The time when my failings overtake me because I can no longer out run them.

Tonight I want to be Amanda, out in the yard, blowing bubbles, playing with the dog.  Well...maybe not the dog part so much.  :)

I'm thankful for the times when I come to the end of myself and am reminded for the 828th time that I'm not doing this, all of this, in my own strength.  That my God offers new grace with the dawn of each day, that He prefers me, that He is more than enough.  Always.

Seek the LORD and His strength;
Seek His presence continually!

I Chronicles 16:11

1 comment:

  1. Oh to be young again and have no worries.

    Great post !!!!


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