Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month! {Document a snapshot of your life...find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Ordinary was the word of the day and I couldn't have been happier!

5 AM
My gym is in the mall...I still find it strange that all the main doors to the mall are open 24/7, just like the gym.
 7 AM
Tough to get back in the swing of things on a Monday morning.  Daddy is convincing Amanda that it really is the best course of action to go to school instead of back to bed.
 8 AM
Aiden listening to praise music over breakfast.  Youtube went from I Surrender to Thriller with just one touch.  Sheesh.
 11 AM
The boys hard at work.
 3 PM
When Aiden woke from his nap he was happy to see the new top mattress was set up in the girls room.
 6 PM
Amanda and the dumb dog sharing a drink.
 7 PM
Bible stories on the top bunk...and Amanda's haircut that I didn't even notice!
 8 PM
Before we brushed his teeth, he named all the foods he'd eaten that day that he was going to get out.
 9 PM
Officially registered...no turning back now!
 10 PM
Reading on my iPad prior to Aiden waking up crying because he was sick.


  1. Amanda is so cute - & I totally don't blame her about wanting to go back to bed! I cut my bangs once - I thought I did a fine job but of course there was a big hole in my bangs. I guess we all have to do it once?

  2. 1. Seriously? Amanda cut her own hair? How bad is it?
    2. Aiden got same as everyone else?? Is he ok?

  3. Great day!! Which race did you register for? I registered for the half!

  4. Ha, Amy! I appreciate your optimism, but I will most definitely be doing the half! Hopefully with all of you! :)


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