Last week was Richest Man in the Valley and we had so much fun! It was definitely a family affair. Shaun did sound, Z, Avery and Amanda played orphan kids (and Z got to play a rich man's son two of the nights as well). My sister Amy is Assistant Director, her daughter Maddy is aMAZing as one of the lead roles and three of her boys are also in it.
The people who are dedicated to all these shows are a rare breed, for sure and have become cherished friends. So thankful for their willingness to serve in this way. Through this show alone, 150-ish people came to know Jesus.
Here's just a small sampling of what the play looks like for us...
Amanda and Trevor
Avery and Z
I love this scene because it makes me think of last year when the kids were so young and could impersonate the cowboy so well.
Z as a rich son...first time ever in a suit.
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Colombo as the rich son
Aiden and I were there, too. :)
My sister even directing the clean up crew. :)
I love watching your girls in the show! Amanda is such a ham. Z did fantastic!!!!! I was very impressed.