Saturday, January 28, 2012


I realize its probably overkill to post basketball photos every week, but really they're mostly intended for Shaun.  He would so very much like to be there with us on Saturday mornings, but is unable to because of work....I figure this is the next best thing, so post I will!

I don't know much about anything basketball related, but I've been impressed with the girls' progress even in these three weeks.
 Accidental shot while trying to juggle a two year-old, but I like it.
There's another family there similar to ours.  Their oldest is in Avery's class at school and on the same basketball team, their youngest is a little guy, and their middle is in Kindergarten and on Amanda's team.  They all enjoyed hanging out together.
Amanda declared that they were BFF (it only takes an hour of sharing donuts, bubble gum and laughs for her to know) and begged for a playdate soon (big height difference!).

 Avery's first basket ever!!  She made a couple more after this, too....that's a couple more than I've ever made in my lifetime.  :)  Go Avery!

I'm so happy they look forward to it and enjoy it...its a good way to spend a winter Saturday morning.

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