Monday, October 17, 2011

31 Ways to Live in Peace, Day 17

Don't Compare Yourself to Others

The opportunity to compare ourselves to others has never been greater.  In a world of blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc, etc, its never been easier to see things we wish we had, we wish we were, we wish we could do.

Even in real life, we all have that friend who lives in a big, beautiful house, has happy, clean children, and plenty of money.  She can cook, sew, garden, write.  She's also beautiful and a wonderful person.  Its in our nature to compare our bodies, our homes, our talents, our lives to other.  

But the cost of comparison is high. It leaves us feeling discouraged, knocked down, insecure.  It makes us want to be someone we are not and leaves us feeling ungrateful for all God has given us. 

”The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone elses highlight reel.” – Steven Furtick

To be completely honest, about a week ago I stumbled onto a whole group of people who are doing a 31 Days in October project.  I didn't even know such a thing existed and as I went through a couple of them, I started to compare myself and I felt completely inadequate in every way.  It made me want to give up.  It took some of the wind out of my sails for this project. 

I think its part of being human, this comparing and competing and coveting.  We've all done it enough to know it steals our joy and peace when we go down the "wishing road".  I wish I had a bigger____ or more ____ like her.

What works for me when I start to compare?  First, I have to trust that God made me (is making me) to be the person I'm supposed to be.  Then, I quickly find things I can be thankful for.  If I can only come up with two, then I go over and over those two things.  It also works really well to pray for the person I'm wishing I could be.  Yes, pray for.  Even someone who "has it all" can use prayer but mostly it works in changing my heart.


  1. Here is where my apathy comes in handy - whenever I look on someone else with envy I also see all the work it takes to do or have or be - even the people who seem extra blessed have to DO things continue to be extra blessed. Sounds exhausting to me!

    P.S. I recognize that apathy is actually a problem, & when I get some energy I'm going to work on it :)

  2. P.S. - I'm reading another blogger who is doing the 31 days thing - & I like yours better :)

  3. I know this was not the intent of your post but...YOU are beautiful and a wonderful person. And I love you for sharing so openly!

  4. Oh yes! My husband reminded me the other night, in a fit of tears as I compared myself and found myself falling short: "You can only be YOU. And who you are is exactly who God wants you to be...and the woman I fell in love with." This is my calling, my life, my journey...the one He so carefully and lovingly planned out.


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