Thursday, October 6, 2011

31 Ways to Live in Peace, Day 6

Do the Things You Don't Want to Do...First!

Yeah, I know.  Not fun.  Some of this peace stuff really requires some work on our parts.

You can't stand to clean toilets so you do an hour of housework before you ever get to the bathrooms.  You dread returning that phone call to find out why the bank called so you stall.  You fear what the diagnosis might be, so you don't go to the doctor.

Do you see it, all that peace we are robbing from ourselves?  It might not be a constant thought, but that nagging in the back of your mind, if left long enough, will steal your peace.

What if.  What if you just take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves and just do what you gotta do.  When you do the toilets in the first three minutes of your hour's worth of work, you have 57 minutes of NOT dreading cleaning the toilets.  Instead you might feel a sense of relief that its out of the way and you can occupy your mind with something else.

How much time will you spend in worry over what the doctor might say instead of facing it head on and getting it over with and out of the way.

Again, this is not always the easy way but, given the alternative, it might be the best way.  Choose to do those yucky/hard things first and enjoy your peace of mind.


  1. Pretty mums - I have that color too.
    Funny thing I just got down cleaning toilets.

  2. Should be done cleaning toilets.

  3. Oh my goodness, this is exactly what I needed today. Such truth...such wisdom. Thank you, so very much.

  4. You got me. So thankful for this reminder today!

    Just read through the first days of this series - beautiful thoughts!


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